Snow Shoveling & Winter Care: Protect Your Back & Joints!

This last week we have had some crazy weather out there haven’t we! Because of this I wanted to just give you a few tips to maintain your spine health while braving the weather out there.

Call First, If Leaving the House

First of all, make sure you call our office at (615) 375-7100 before heading out to your appointment. We have had many changes to our schedule due to the weather. If you need to call and change your appointment, we will be available to you during regular business hours, and we will return your call if you make that outside of hours. If you have any other appointments at other offices, also be sure to call and check if they are open before you head out!

If you are leaving your home, be sure to tell your loved ones that you are leaving the house, bring plenty of supplies with you including water, a blanket, flashlight, and a charged phone.


If you are staying home but need to clear out your driveway by shoveling, remember that it can be physically demanding, and this can impact your muscles and joints.

  • Be sure to do a few warmup exercises to prepare the muscles for any physical activity. Warming up before any form of exercise of physical activity can reduce the chance of strain and sprains and other injuries.
  • Be sure to dress appropriately, to stay warm and protect yourself against the cold.
  • Use proper body mechanics when shoveling & use the right shovel!
  • Take breaks often, taking breaks also reduces the risk of injury.
  • Stay hydrated, even if it is cold out you still may get dehydrated, be sure to stop during breaks and have some water.

Proper Care of Your Spine

If you suffer any injuries after shoveling, call our office right away. Remember that consulting personalized advice on musculoskeletal health at your chiropractor can help maintain your spine health no matter the weather.

Alright, stay safe out there and we hope to see you soon at our office!

-Dr. Hebdon

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